Changing our Communities
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Guys Who Give
Become a part of a dynamic and inspired group of local men who are interested in making a meaningful impact in our local communities. Members come from all walks of life and varying financial backgrounds. Individually, it is challenging to make a significant difference– but together we have the ability to contribute to the growth and health of our communities in ways we never thought possible!
What is our mission?
Guys Who Give is a group of men with a desire to inspire and who are committed to making a difference in their local communities. The Mission is to reach out and help local charities with the funds they need to do the amazing work they are doing in their community. Collectively, the group can make a powerful impact to the charitable community and donate over $10,000 per quarter and $40,000 annually per market. This mission is accomplished by finding 100+ men to each contribute $100 at the quarterly events to benefit a chosen local charity that changes each quarter. All charities and organizations up for consideration must serve the county of the local chapter; the idea is to keep it local and have an impact that WE can SEE.
Q1 online donations opens in
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Upcoming Events
Make Change NOW!
Guys Who Give brings a lot of good into our world and our efforts are making a big impact on our local communities. Events are full of energy and a great place to meet new friends that share the same desire to inspire. The events were designed with busy life schedules in mind.
February - $78,100
May - $70,500
August - $88,700
November - $90,700
Rise Against Suicide $12,300.00
Kalamazoo Nonprofit Advocacy Coalition $18,200.00
Christmas for Kids $4,150.00
Child Safe Colorado $6,300.00
CASA of Adam’s and Broomfield Counties $9,900.00
The Brighton United Senior Citizen Center $1,000.00
Slow Food in the Tetons $9,300.00
YMCA $2,850.00
Vancouver $3,000.00
The Arc Of Kent County $2,600.00
IFCS $7,350.00
Good Samaritan Center $2,200.00
Damascus Road Project $1,800.00
Ladder Homes $1,300.00
2xtreme Foundation $5,600.00
Flemington Area Food Pantry $2,150.00
Haven House $700.00
TGTHR $12,000.00
Action Matters $19,200.00
Hazelbrook Community Center $4,600.00
Dementia Together $6,800.00
Building Warriors $6,200.00
Joyful Journeys Community Enrichment $1,700.00
St. John's Episcopal Church $16,700.00
Autism BC $2,100.00
Bridge Street Ministries $2,100.00
Sobriety House $5,950.00
Kingfisher Wild Land trust $2,000.00
NAMI Oshkosh $1,300.00
Hope Pkgs $1,300.00
PorchLight $4,200.00
Veteran's Haven North $1,950.00
Williamston MI Baseball Boosters $600.00
Community Food Share $11,100.00
Josh Whitfield Athletic Fund $18,700.00
Avery's Light $5,900.00
iEmpathize $4,350.00
Brighton Youth Wrestling Club $1,600.00
Stripping for a Cure $10,100.00
HarbourLight Detox $1,800.00
HarbourLight Detox $1,800.00
Hunt 2 Heal $2,150.00
Bullying Recovery Resource Center $3,800.00
La Plata County Search and Rescue $1,900.00
Oshkosh Community Foundation $1,200.00
Eli J Boxing Club $1,000.00
Jeffco Eats $3,900.00
Musconetcong Watershed Association $1,200.00
Veterans Community Project $12,700.00
Kalamazoo Soccer Club’s TOPSoccer $18,300.00
Food for Thought $3,500.00
3Hopeful Hearts $5,900.00
Daniel The Lion Fund $10,100.00
Ralston House $1,600.00
Coombs Foundation $9,900.00
Boys to Men $2,800.00
Lukemia Research Foundation $2,000.00
Conductive Learning Center $2,300.00
Backpack Society $5,400.00
The Hive Durango $2,100.00
Oshkosh Kids Foundation $900.00
LAUP $600.00
Sister Carmen $12,000.00
Kairos Dwelling $18,600.00
High View $3,500.00
Pathways $6,500.00
Broomfield FISH $4,300.00
Daisy Chain Sanctuary $1,100.00
Climb Wyoming $9,400.00
Stepping Stone Foundation $2,400.00
Greater Vancouver Food Bank $2,000.00
Haven $2,400.00
South Metro Medical Equipment Loan Closet $1,100.00
SEED Studio $2,500.00
Sleep In Heavenly Peace $800.00
Operation Birthday $13,000.00
Gilmore Community Healing Center $28,000.00
Thriving Families $3,500.00
Hope House Northern Colorado $5,800.00
Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association $7,500.00
Sparklking Kindness $1,500.00
City Kids $9,750.00
East Valley Dream Center $2,800.00
KidSafe $1,200.00
D.A Blodgett St. John's $2,900.00
Dress For Success $2,600.00
Camp for Change $13,200.00
First Day Shoe Fund $15,200.00
Whiz Kids $3,500.00
Loveland's Community Kitchen $6,100.00
Grant A Dream Foundation $3,900.00
YMCA of Brighton $1,400.00
Honoring Our Veterans $8,500.00
Lucas John Foundation $3,200.00
ALSBC $2,000.00
Kids Food Basket $2,200.00
Hide in Plain Sight $2,800.00
Community Foundation Boulder County Wildfire Fund (Boulder) $13,000.00
Girls on the Run (Kalamazoo) $16,300.00
City Lax (Denver) $4,700.00
Children's Speech and Reading Center (Larimer) $6,000.00
Cultivate (Broomfield) $3,600.00
Ascent Cognitive Education Center (Adams) $2,000.00
Bronc Backers (Teton) $7,000.00
ICAN (Phoenix) $4,300.00
New Beginnings Church (North Dallas) $26,000.00
Home Hospice of Vancouver (Vancouver) $1,500.00
The Give Mercy Project (Kent) $3,450.00
Showers For All (Douglas) $2,500.00
Sloyd Expierience (Boulder) $12,400.00
Read and Write Kalamazoo (Kalamazoo) $14,400.00
African Community Center (Denver) $9,000.00
Grace Upon Grace (Larimer) $6,100.00
Rise Against Suicide (Broomfield) $3,000.00
Food For Hope (Adams) $2,100.00
Teton Youth and Family (Teton) $8,300.00
Together We Live (Phoenix) $3,500.00
Chosen Ones (North Dallas) $26,000.00
Beauty Night Society (Vancouver) $3,000.00
Safe Haven Ministries (Kent) $2,200.00
Brent's Place (Douglas) $2,500.00
The Liv Project (Boulder) $13,400.00
AACORN (Kalamazoo) $16,800.00
Big Brothers Big Sisters (Denver) $4,800.00
Down For a Cure (Larimer) $6,700.00
CASA (Broomfield) $2,300.00
Growing Home (Adams) $2,300.00
The Seeing Eye (Morris) $3,500.00
Teton County Suicide Prevention (Teton) $9,200.00
Chai Foundation (Phoenix) $3,200.00
Denton Freedom House (North Dallas) $26,100.00
Three Rivers Band Boosters (Stjoe) $1,500.00
Vancouver $2,500.00
Sleep in heavenly Peace (Douglas) $3,000.00
Louisville Rising (Boulder) $13,100.00
Local Love (Kalamazoo) $14,100.00
Big Idea Project (Denver) $5,200.00
Healing Warriors (Larimer) $7,500.00
Be The Gift (Broomfield) $3,200.00
Foster Source (Adams) $2,100.00
Foundations for Morristown Medical Center (Morris) $5,500.00
St. John's Health Foundation (Teton) $7,200.00
Arizona Friends of Foster Children (Phoenix) $3,600.00
Journey to Dream (North Dallas) $26,100.00
Three Rivers Public Library Friends (Stjoe) $1,800.00
South Haven Community Foundation (Vanburen) $1,700.00
Canucks Autism Network (Vancouver) $3,400.00
Logos Wilderness (Douglas) $3,900.00
Coal Creek Meals on Wheels (Boulder) $13,000.00
Twelve Baskets (Kalamazoo) $14,600.00
PCs for People (Denver) $7,300.00
Finally Home (Larimer) $7,200.00
Joyful Journies (Broomfield) $3,300.00
Rampart Search and Rescue (Adams) $2,900.00
Sungate Kids (Arapahoe) $2,500.00
Interfaith Food Pantry Network (Morris) $5,500.00
Senior Center of Jackson Hole (Teton) $6,000.00
Harvest Campassion Center (Phoenix) $4,200.00
Ranch Hands Rescue (North Dallas) $26,300.00
Three Rivers Community Players (StJoe) $1,800.00
We Care (Vanburen) $1,800.00
Three Rivers Community Players (Vancouver) $1,700.00
Collie's Closet (Boulder) $12,000.00
Lending Hands (Kalamazoo) $13,500.00
Buttons and Zippers (Denver) $12,600.00
Loveland’s Community Kitchen (Larimer) $6,000.00
Bal Swan’s Children Center (Broomfield) $2,900.00
CASA (Adams) $2,500.00
Food Bank of the Rockies (Arapahoe) $1,700.00
Morris County for Preschool Advantage (Morris) $4,600.00
Jackson Hole Community Counseling Center (Teton) $6,500.00
Raising Special kids AZ (Phoenix) $4,300.00
Journey To Dream (North Dallas) $500.00
BraveHoods (Boulder) $12,400.00
Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes (Kalamazoo) $11,600.00
BASICS (Denver) $5,400.00
Empty Tomb Ministries (Larimer) $5,000.00
FRIENDS of Broomfield (Broomfield) $3,100.00
The Richard Lambert Foundation (Adams) $2,500.00
TACT Kids (Arapahoe) $3,000.00
Spring Street Community Development Corp (Morris) $4,200.00
Jackson Hole Therapeutic Riding (Teton) $7,000.00
ICAN (Phoenix) $2,400.00
LASEY (North Dallas) $1,000.00
CPWD (Boulder) $12,100.00
St. Luke's Diaper Bank (Kalamazoo) $11,600.00
Denver Kids (Denver) $6,200.00
Coronavirus Business Relief Fund (Larimer) $5,000.00
The ARC of Buncombe County (Asheville) $1,800.00
Broomfield Community Foundation (Broomfield) $3,500.00
Veterans Puppy for Life (Adams) $2,600.00
Gracefull Foundation (Arapahoe) $2,100.00
nourish.NJ (Morris) $4,600.00
One 22 (Teton) $4,900.00
Matthew's Crossing Food Bank (Phoenix) $3,500.00
Love Thy Neigbor Inc (Dallas) $800.00
SPAN (Boulder) $15,100.00
Hope4Youth Cancer Foundation (Kalamazoo) $13,400.00
CASA (Denver) $7,500.00
Mountain View Make-a-wish (Larimer) $6,300.00
Carolina Brotherhood (Ashenville) $1,700.00
Two Angels Foundation (Broomfield) $3,400.00
Colorado 4x4 Rescue (Adams) $2,100.00
Cub Scout Pack 559 (Arapahoe) $1,400.00
Morristown Memorial Center (Morris) $5,100.00
Climb Wyoming (Teton) $8,600.00
Miracle League of Arizona (Phoenix) $3,600.00
Task Force Dagger (Dallas) $900.00
Voices For Children (Boulder) $13,100.00
Housing Resources (Kalamazoo) $13,200.00
CASA of Larimer County (Larimer) $5,300.00
Food for Thought (Denver) $4,600.00
Different Strokes Performing Arts Collective (Asheville) $1,500.00
Broomfield Veterans Memorial Museum (Broomfield) $2,500.00
Almost Home (Adams) $2,400.00
There with Care (Arapahoe) $2,200.00
Good Grief of Morristown (Morris) $1,800.00
City Kids (Teton) $5,900.00
Greenhouse Scholars (Boulder) $12,300.00
SW Michigan Miracle League (Kalamazoo) $10,200.00
Colorado Youth Outdoors (Larimer) $5,300.00
Project Helping (Denver) $7,400.00
Asheville Day Stay (Asheville) $1,500.00
Broomfield Council of Arts and Humanities (Broomfield) $3,000.00
R.A.D. Advocates (Adams) $4,300.00
Stephen T. Marchello Scholarship Foundation (Arapahoe) $2,300.00
Camp for Change (Boulder) $13,400.00
Hospital Hospitality House of SW Michigan (Kalamazoo) $10,000.00
Free Our Girls (Larimer) - $6,400 / Judi's House (Denver) $7,500.00
WNC Superheros (Asheville)` $2,000.00
Realizing Aptitudes (Broomfield) $3,100.00
Growing Colorado Kids (Adams) $1,000.00
Professional Miracles Foundation (Arapahoe) $2,300.00
My Nature Lab (Boulder) $13,100.00
Disability Network (Kalamazoo) $11,100.00
FoCo Cafe (Larimer) $5,400.00
Hide in Plain Site (Denver) $7,000.00
Arms Around ASD (Asheville) $1,200.00
Senior Resources of Broomfield (Broomfield) $2,600.00
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention (Adams) $1,100.00
Birthday Smiles (Arapahoe) $3,100.00
Salute Colorado (Boulder) $13,600.00
Shalom, Inc. (Kalamazoo) $10,400.00
Project 31:25 (Larimer) $5,700.00
Come Back Yoga (Denver) $6,300.00
WNC Homeward Bound (Asheville) $2,400.00
A Precious Child (Broomfield) $1,500.00
Food For Hope (Adams) $1,100.00
Jiminy Wicket (Arapahoe) $3,800.00
Boulder Food Rescue (Boulder) $12,600.00
Family & Children's Services (Kalamazoo) $9,200.00
SAVA (Larimer) $5,500.00
Save Our Youth (Denver) $5,500.00
Wounded Warrior Project (Asheville) $2,200.00
El Comité de Longmont (Boulder) $13,600.00
Hands Up Foundation (Kalamazoo) $6,200.00
The Matthews House (Larimer) $5,500.00
Be the Gift (Denver) $9,600.00
Better Dads Festival (Asheville) $3,200.00
Second Wind Fund of Boulder County (Boulder) $12,300.00
SLD Read (Kalamazoo) $6,275.00
CHAMP (Larimer) $5,200.00
First Descent of Denver (Denver) $4,000.00
Camp Tikvah (Asheville) $2,500.00
Boulder County CareConnect (Boulder) $11,500.00
First Day Shoe Fund (Kalamazoo) $3,225.00
Paradox Sports (Boulder) $11,400.00
Kalamazoo Friends of Recreation (Kalamazoo) $1,800.00
Temple Grandin School (Boulder) $10,000.00
The Empowerment Center (Boulder) $9,100.00
Mother House (Boulder) $8,100.00
Boulder Bridgehouse (Boulder) $7,100.00
Focus Reentry (Boulder) $6,700.00
Second Wind Fund of Boulder County (Boulder) $5,900.00
SPAN (Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence) (Boulder) $3,400.00
EFAA (Emergency Family Assistance Association) (Boulder) $2,600.00
Attention Homes (Boulder) $2,100.00
Why Guys
Guys Who Give
Jeff Schuler - Member"Guys Who Give just shows how a group of people coming together for the good of others doesn't have to be complicated and can be very powerful. It's great to see a bunch of guys pooling their resources together to make a large impact in the lives of others. I am extremely thankful that I was invited to be a part of this group."
Larry Gerber - Member"I am just so happy to partner with other guys who have such big hearts that they want to work together and provide so much for those charities who are doing so much for those who have such important needs."
Steve Jeffers - Member"I joined Guys Who Give Boulder County because I wanted to connect with more people in our community, and to donate more to local charities. The meetings are fun and easy, and just 4 times per year. We take time to share a beer with friends and meet new people, listen to nominations from our members, then vote on the charity we each want to support. The presentations are interesting, the groups wide-ranging, and the votes are sometimes surprising, but they are all worthy groups. It’s rewarding to be part of a group that knows how to have fun, while helping out our neighbors in this way."
Jay - Member"The power of 100 like minds coming together for a common cause!"
Mike Crowe - Member"Taking part in this group has been very rewarding and I've met some great guys who share a desire to give back, oh and there's the awesome brews from our host Gravity Brewing. There are so many organizations doing charitable work in our area, I can't imagine we'll ever run out of new recipients to help out, it's great to think that we have such an impact. Our community needs us all to help where and how we can; this opportunity is so easy to take part in and combines a group effort and throws in a fun quarterly gathering."
Jonathan Hanst - Member"Guys Who Give is the best kind of agent for change: simple and effective. Every time we get together, organizations tell us how significantly they've been impacted by our gifts. For some nonprofits, we exceed their entire annual budget! For me, it's just great to show up with a bunch of likeminded guys, hear about folks who are working for change in Boulder County, and then show our support."
Larry - Member"I am just so happy to partner with other guys who have such big hearts that they want to work together and provide so much for those charities who are doing so much for those who have such important needs."
Tom Hardie - Member"There's something very rewarding about collaborating with other guys to give a meaningful shot in the arm to hard-working organizations in our own community. The format is efficient. The impact is timely and direct. I can't think of a better way to maximize a modest quarterly contribution."
Mike - Member"These are local men stepping up to provide local, positive, impactful change in our community. Truly a real blessing."
Adam Gordon - Member"Between work and family obligations, it's easy to dismiss charity work as “I want to but just don't have the time”. GWG makes it dead simple with (an optional) one-hour commitment (with beer) every three months to vote on that quarter's charity. That's it."
Pat Bruns - Member"Boulder County is known for affirming the worth and value of all persons. We are known for creating opportunities for personal growth & development. We want people to be whole, well and productive. We want our communities to be havens of blessing and places of peace. We value that. Guys Who Give puts these values into action. In today's world $100 does not go far. But putting together 40, 50, 60 or more donations of $100 adds up to big differences in our community and allows the dedicated non-for-profits of our county not only change lives but also to literally save lives. How can you beat that? Can we invest in anything better than the lives of others?"
Guys Who Give is an awesome charitable men’s group! They came to us at Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence this past summer and gave us a very generous surprise donation which will help us tremendously in our efforts to provide great advocacy programs for Domestic Violence survivors! Thank you Guys Who Give!
Aparna Harris
Coordinator - SPAN Donor Development
Guys Who Give is a unique and innovative model to philanthropy. A conglomeration of community members from all different sectors who care about building a vibrant community--this is a group where everyone wins. The quarterly meetings bring people in from diverse backgrounds and neighborhoods and provides great networking opportunities, all while supporting good, local causes. Guys Who Give builds community while giving back to the community. What I also love about the group is that it provides an opportunity for members to learn about the diverse landscape of non-profits in Boulder County and to hopefully be inspired to support the causes that resonate most with each individual. As part of the group, individual gifts are magnified, and together, they can make a meaningful impact on the work of the recipient organization. EFAA is honored to be one of the first recipients.
Ashley Rumble
Assistant Director of Development - EFAA
Second Wind Fund of Boulder County is so enormously grateful to the Guys Who Give. Their organization is such a wonderful model for giving to the non-profit community. They educate, present and vote for an organization that matches their passion for giving. The money donated to our organization will provide 96 hours of life giving services targeted counseling services for youth that are at risk for suicide. They truly make a difference to the lives in our community.
Faye Peterson
Executive Director - Second Wind Fund of Boulder County
FOCUS Reentry thanks Guys Who Give for their tremendous support and dedication. Our agency offers services to a largely disenfranchised and marginalized population, and our entire community is heartened by the compassion this donation shows. With the money raised by Guys Who Give, we are able to provide therapeutic services to people who are transitioning out of incarceration, and to address such basic, immediate needs as shampoo, clean socks, bus passes, and job search support on a case-by-case basis. Thank you, Guys Who Give, for opening your hearts to people so often turned away. Our entire Boulder community is stronger for it.
Chandra Williams
Program Manager - FOCUS Reentry Interim
We were so surprised and excited by the generous gift from Guys who Give last quarter! Mother House offers a place to live for women who are pregnant and at risk of homelessness. They can stay up until their baby is 4 months old. We offer counseling, education opportunities and help with resources. There is a small amount of rent required and our moms work or go to school at least 20 hours per week. This special funding is helping our moms who need extra financial assistance with rent while on maternity leave or when they first come in and have no job. Mother House has been in Boulder for almost 35 years and we’ve helped over 750 women and babies during that time. Guys Who Give is an outstanding group who believe in helping quickly and effectively. We are so grateful!
Coreen Schmidt
Executive Director - Mother House
As a Lafayette-based, youth leadership nonprofit, (EC)^2 often relies on the generosity of the local community. We are so grateful to Guys Who Give - Boulder County not only for their incredible donation, which will ensure Lafayette youth continue to have access to quality programming at no cost, but also for their sustained involvement in the greater community.